Outpatient clinics and hospitals
Traumaambulanz im Sankt-Hedwig-Krankenhaus
Funding organisation: Alexianer
Type of support services:
Outpatient clinics and hospitals
Große Hamburger Straße 5-11
Elisabethhouse, 3. Floor
Telephone & Fax
phone: +49 30 231 118 80
Office hours
Mondays-Fridays: from 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.
and by prior arrengements
Assistance with
- Robbery
- Physical assault
- Homicide (murder, manslaughter)
- Forced prostitution
- Forced marriage
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual assault, sexual coercion, rape
- Homophobic and transphobic violence
- Violence against homeless people
- Right-wing extremist violence
- Domestic violence
- Anti-Semitic violence
- Racist violence
- Deprivation of liberty
- Sexual harassment
- Terrorism
Help for
- Women*
- Men*
- Adults (18 years and older)
- Psychotherapy
- Crisis intervention
- Free access (e. g. elevator)
- Trauma counselling specialist
- German
- English
Languages with translation services
- German sign language
We do not offer a translation service.