Psychological Help

Crime can affect your mental and emotional well-being. The impact can cause various negative and harmful reactions which are common and in fact quite normal. However, it doesn’t have to stay that way; there are steps you can take to help reduce and cope with the stress.

In cases of an emergency, crisis intervention can help you. Most crisis services/centres are available round the clock (24/7) and provide fast and professional assistance.

Counselling can help you, but there are times when psychotherapy is necessary.

Getting help in a crisis

Berliner Krisendienst
(Berlin Crisis Service)

The Berliner Krisendienst (Berlin Crisis Service) provides telephone crisis support 365 days a year, round the clock (24/7), free of charge.

The following locations provide personal consultation everyday from 04:00p.m.-12.00a.m.. The consultation can also be carried out anonymously upon request.

  • Mitte Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
    Große Hamburger Straße 5
    10115 Berlin
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-10

  • Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
    Horstweg 2
    14059 Berlin
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-20

  • Spandau
    Charlottenstr. 13
    13597 Berlin
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-30

  • Pankow
    Mühlenstraße 48
    13187 Berlin
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-40

  • Reinickendorf
    Berliner Straße 25
    13507 Berlin
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-50

  • Steglitz-Zehlendorf /

    Schloßstraße 128
    12163 Berlin-Steglitz
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-60

  • Lichtenberg Marzahn-Hellersdorf
    Irenenstraße 21 A
    10317 Berlin-Lichtenberg
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-70

  • Treptow-Köpenick
    Spreestraße 6
    12439 Berlin
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-80

  • Neukölln
    Karl-Marx-Straße 23
    12043 Berlin
    Telephone: +49 30 39063-90

Frauenkrisentelefon (Telephone Crisis Support for Women*)

The Frauenkrisentelefon (Telephone Crisis Support for Women*) provides crisis intervention and psychosocial support for women* in crisis and difficult situations. Moreover, it offers information (in English, Persian, Dari and other languages upon request) on counselling centres, women’s projects, therapy centres and self-help/support groups as well as information on intercultural projects and centres that offer services in native language.

Telephone: +49 30 615 424 3 daily at different hours
Telephone: +49 30 615 759 6 (counselling for migrant women, Thursday 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m.)

Kinder- und Jugendnotdienst (Children and Young People Emergency Service)

The Kinder- und Jugendnotdienst (Children and Young People Emergency Service) provides crisis support by telephone or face to face counselling, help and protection for children and young people 365 days a year, round the clock (24/7), and anonymous counselling upon request.

  • Kindernotdienst
    (Children’s Emergency Service)
    up to 13 years old
    Telephone: +49 30 610 0-61
  • Jugendnotdienst
    (Young People Emergency Service)
    14-18 years old
    Telephone: +49 30 610 0-62
  • Mädchennotdienst
    (Girl’s Emergency Service)
    12-20 years old
    Telephone: +49 30 610 0-63

Website: (only in German)

Further Telephone Crisis Support

For men* and women*

For women*

  • BIG Hotline – Berliner Initiative gegen Gewalt an Frauen
    (Berlin Initiative against Violence against Women)
    Help for Domestic Violence against Women and Children
    Telephone: +49 30 611 030 0
  • Bundesweites Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen
    (Nationwide Violence against Women Support Hotline)
    round the clock (24/7), anonymous
    Telephone: +49 8000 116 016

For men*

  • Bundesweites Hilfetelefon Gewalt an Männern
    (Nationwide Violence Against Men Support Hotline)
    Telephone: +49 800 123 990 0
    Website: (only in German)

For children and young people


Psychotherapy for people affected by a criminal and violent offence in the Berliner Traumaambulanzen (Berlin Outpatient Clinics for Trauma)

The Traumaambulanzen in Berlin (Outpatient Clinics for Trauma) in cooperation with the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LaGeSo; Office for Health and Social Affairs) provide psychotherapeutic support for those who are victims of a violent crime and suffer from emotional and psychological stress as a result of the experience/crime.

You can make an appointment directly at one of the clinics. The first 5 sessions will be paid by the Berlin State.

The following facility is available for children and young people:

  • Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters der Charité
    (Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy for Children and Young People at the Charité)
    Trauma Outpatient Clinic for Children and Young People
    Telephone: +49 30 450 516 100
    Website: (only in German)

Psychotherapists in private practice

On the website of the kassenärztliche Vereinigung (KV Berlin; Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians) (only in German), you can find psychologists/psychotherapists in your area. The statutory health insurance normally pays for treatment and services.

On this search page (only in German) you can find psychologists/therapists who are not with the statutory health insurance; this means you will pay for treatment.