Support after an Extremist/Terrorist Attack

If you have been affected by an extremist/terrorist attack, you are entitled to receive support whether you are a victim, relative, witness, first responder or first aider.

The Central Contact Point for Those Affected by Terrorist Attacks and Major Damage Events and Their Relatives in Berlin (Zentrale Anlaufstelle für Betroffene von Terroranschlägen und Großschadensereignissen und deren Angehörige) has contact persons who inform affected persons on where to seek advice and assistance as well as establish contact with relevant government agencies and counselling centres on your behalf. They are always available to you, even if the attack happened several years ago or outside Berlin.

The BBK - Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (Federal Office of Civil Protection an Disaster Assistance, only in German) offers special assistance to German citizens who are victims of a terror attack abroad.

Those affected can also contact a victim support centre directly: Berlin Victim Support and Counselling Centres.
The Counselling Centres provide confidential and professional support, escorting to court, and liaising with the police and other support centres on your behalf free of charge. They can also assist you with the initial application for compensation.

The Traumaambulanzen (Outpatient Clinics for Trauma) in Berlin in cooperation with the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LAGeSo; Office for Health and Social Affairs) provide psychotherapeutic support for those who are victims of a violent crime and suffer from emotional and psychological stress as a result of the experience/crime.

You can make an appointment directly at one of the clinics. The first 5 sessions will be paid by the Berlin State.

The following facility is available for children and young people:

Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters der Charité
Traumaambulanz für Kinder und Jugendliche
(Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy for Children and Young People - Trauma Outpatient Clinic for Children and Young People)
Telephone: +49 30 450 516 100
Website: (only in German)

The information leaflet/brochure has an overview of nationwide support options and contact points.

Victims of a terror attack and hate crime can apply for the Hardship Compensation (Härteleistung, only in German), at the Federal Office of Justice. The Hardship Compensation is a one-off voluntary payment as compensation for physical injuries, and for pain and suffering. Material damages are not included. Payments are granted by the Federal Office of Justice in Bonn.

You can find information on German government support for victims of terrorism in English here.

Compensation for victims of crime

For more information on compensation

More information